The year 1975 saw the birth of what started as a vision - an idea of an organization, a sisterhood that would cater to the needs of Latinas and the universal woman. Thanks to the tremendous strides made by our 17 founding mothers, this dream was realized, and took form as the entity Lambda Theta Alpha Latin Sorority, Incorporated, the first Latina sorority in the nation.
Lambda Theta Alpha continuously strives to increase active alumnae membership while also providing the opportunity for post-baccalaureate women to join the organization.
Alpha Delta Graduate Chapter was established in Maryland on January 27, 2002 by four dedicated and professional women. These four educated women paved the way in Maryland and afforded post-baccalaureate women the opportunity to join Lambda Theta Alpha Latin Sorority, Incorporated.
Faye Genegaban
Erika Oliveira
Kia Alford Rorie
Migdalia Ibarrondo
In turn, Lambda Delta Alumnae Chapter was chartered on December 30, 2002, by seven LTA alumnae living in the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area. These seven sisters provided an avenue for sisters initiated as undergraduates to stay active within the organization after graduation. They are:
Caryl Cabrera (Upsilon)
Cara Hewitt, Upsilon)
Amy Mejia (Upsilon)
Skarly Mendoza (Beta Tau)
Rosa Pena (Mu)
Sandra Penaherrera (Upsilon)
Alessandra Alma (Phi)
In Spring 2012, Alpha Delta Graduate Chapter of Maryland and Lambda Delta Alumnae Chapter united to become Alpha Delta Alumnae Chapter.
With a shared purpose, these sisters merged together to fulfill their lifelong commitment to LTA and continue the organization’s mission beyond college. Alumnae chapters remain committed to political, social, and charitable programming in the community. Additionally, alumnae chapters support the success of our undergraduate chapters through serving as mentors, sponsoring events and assisting in the planning of the Annual Spring Conference for undergraduate sisters.
Alpha Delta Alumnae Chapter is comprised of sisters from different areas and generations who currently live in the area. This includes mothers, doctors, nurses, lawyers, graphic designers, researchers, educators, entrepreneurs and many more. As a support network, the chapter serves as an avenue to empower all sisters in the area.
Eldrith Hernandez
Milagro Ventura
Yolanda Mejia
Ingrid Rivas
Chanais Lew